Saturday, July 17, 2010

East Star Quilt complete with disappointment

Did you ever have a good start on something and then drag your feet knowing if you just got busy you could finish it and move on to the next project. Well that's how this quilt has been I would pull it out work on it and then put it back. I decided last Sunday was going to be the day to complete the project.
I knew there was something about this quilt that I kept laying it back, I always wash a quilt after I am finished in cold water and woolite to get the pucker in the batting, the picture does'nt show it but all that work and the Navy faded on the white when it was washed. I was soooo disappointed.  
 Ladies of blog land any ideals on how to get the navy fade off the white? 
If not I guess it will still keep me warm this winter LOL


  1. Kathy,

    Can't see the fade of blue from the pic and it looks idea how to get it out, however you could always use a tan rite dye on the entire thing to make it look tea-stained.

    Also Woolite makes a product for colors and it doesn't allow one to bleed on the others. Too late now!

    Take care


  2. Hi Kathy,

    I'm replying to your question here because you are set up as a 'no-reply' blogger.

    When you say 'fade', I'm assuming that you mean that the blue has bled or run into the white, right?

    Woolite is a mild detergent and really doesn't prevent colors from bleeding. There is a product on the market which is like a dryer sheet that you put into the wash and it attracts any fugitive color that may come out of a fabric when it's being washed. I can't recall what it is called but you can find it in the supermarket along with all the washing products.

    Try to wash it again using one of these sheets. It really doesn't look too bad in the photograph and it just might come out on it's own after a few more washings. The color shouldn't be set unless you put it in the dryer. Heat sets color and if you did that then I think you'll have to live with it.

    I do like the other gal's suggestion of tea dyeing or using Rit Tan it as a last resort. It will give it the aged look even more.

    Hope this helps.
